Let me guess—you’ve tried every trick in the book, but your students are still struggling with word problems. Or maybe you’re tired of teaching them the same way. I’ve got good news: it doesn’t have to be that way anymore!

I’m going to show you how to help your students stop skimming for key words and start thinking deeply about the math situations they’re solving.

What You’ll Get:
This isn’t just another set of worksheets. You’ll get my complete Word Problem Toolkit, designed for 4th and 5th graders, PLUS access to an exclusive, jam-packed video where I dive deep into strategies to transform how you teach word problems.
✅ Why key words don’t work and how they hold students back
✅ The two biggest mistakes I made when teaching word problems and how you can avoid them
✅ What to do instead of teaching key words by focusing on math situations
✅ How to use charts to help students connect word problems to operations
✅ A quick strategy for helping students check their answers for reasonableness
And much more!
Here's what's inside the toolkit:

Word Problem of the Day
Use this starter pack to launch your word problem of the day routine.

Intervention Word Problems
Teach your students strategies to break down and conquer word problems with these intervention sets focused on basic multiplication and division facts.

Word Problem Organizer Mats
Help your students think through and analyze word problems with these organizer mats that will work with any problem.

Fraction Word Problem Sorts
Help students focus on the context of the word problem and connecting that to the correct operation with this multiplying and dividing fractions word problem sort.

Decimal Word Problem Sorts
Help students focus on the context of the word problem and connecting that to the correct operation with this decimal word problem sort (all operations).

Back to School Word Problems
Available in worksheets, INB foldables, and task cards, these seasonal word problems are great to kick off your school year.

Resources for Moving Beyond Key Words into Situations
Use these resources to show students that key words are not an effective tool and to use situations instead.

Word Problem Questioning Guide
Questions are an effective way to help students solve word problems. Use this cheat sheet of questions to help your students.

Types of Division Problems
Most students only know about fair share division. Exposing them to both fair share division (group size unknown) and measurement division (number of groups unknown) will improve their problem-solving skills.
Why Sign Up?
This toolkit will transform the way you teach word problems. It’s about moving beyond key words and getting your students to think critically and connect the math to real-world situations. They’ll be confident, prepared, and maybe even (dare I say?) excited to solve word problems.

Sign Up Now!
Enter your email to get instant access to this game-changing toolkit. Let’s make word problems less of a headache for you and a confidence-booster for your students!