Get Instant Access to Free Resources and Tips for Stress-Free Substitute Days

You know how it goes…it’s the morning of, you’re sick, and suddenly the scramble to pull together sub plans begins.


Let’s be real—sub days are just that hard, and this kit won’t completely get rid of that last-minute panic.

But it will help ease the stress and give you some reliable go-tos.

Yes, I want the Substitute Success Kit!

With my Substitute Success Kit, created specifically for 4th and 5th grade, you’ll get some solid tools—free—to help things run a bit smoother. No more digging through files for random worksheets. These activities and tips can help keep your students on track, whether the absence is planned or not.

Sign up now to get instant access and make those sub days a little easier.

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What's Inside?

Substitute Binder Forms

Organize your plans in advance or just grab the forms you need for the day.

Math & Literacy Activities

Ready-to-go lessons to keep students engaged or to use as early finishers.

Tips for a Smooth Sub Day

Practical strategies to help your 4th and 5th graders stay on task in your absence.

Positive Behavior Cards

Give your substitute an easy, effective way to recognize positive behaviors in real-time.

It may not make sub days perfect, but it’ll definitely help!

Yes, I want the Substitute Success Kit!